Frequently Asked Questions
Imagine someone waving a magic wand, and you're instantly a non smoker for life, there are no cravings and there is no weight gain, how good would that feel? I'm guessing that of course you would want that, it would be a dream come true.
This works; it doesn't matter how many times you've tried to quit smoking or what other products and methods you've used that have failed in the past. It doesn't matter how long you have been smoking or how many cigarettes you smoke.
You are about to end those cravings forever - even if you are a heavy smoker. How can I be so certain? More than 95% (source) of everyone who has taken our Hypnotherapy program has quit in one hour, with no cravings, just not wanting to smoke ever again. More than 95% (source) of all clients!
And I really mean "no cravings," You won't crave smoking, there is no struggle, you won't want to replace smoking with any other activities like eating and so there will be no gain weight, you won't feel uncomfortable or fidgety. You just will feel plain wonderful knowing you will not fail (again)! I haven't seen any other program, system or product that has that proven track record.
Book your appointment and become cigarette-free for life.
Like my other clients, once you have conquered this smoking challenge, you will experience a wonderful ripple effect, where an invigorating sense of achievement and confidence just flows, helping you tackle and master other challenges in your life.
Book your appointment and become cigarette-free for life.
I'm wondering how much do you spend on cigarettes each year? Someone who smokes 20 - 30 cigarettes per day smoker spends around $7,000 per year on cigarettes. Imagine what you could do with all that extra money? An overseas holiday for two? A deposit towards a brand new car or new house?
Statistics show that the average smoker spends more than $180,000 on cigarettes in their lifetime. Even more worryingly, two out of every three smokers shorten their life by 10- 14 years.
- How much would it be worth to you to live a longer, healthier life, to see your kids grow up?
- How much would it be worth to have more energy, to look and feel better?
- How much would it be worth to be more confident, to be happier and not feel embarrassed by your smoking?
- How much would it be worth to you to stop feeling like a failure because you are controlled by cigarettes?
You just can't put a price on that!!
This session is what you've been looking for. The cost is probably less than you spend on cigarettes in just One Month*
And, it is backed with a Lifetime Guarantee*
And don't feel disappointed if you find it difficult to come up with this amount as a lump sum. We understand it is difficult to save money when this habit is costing you as much as $200 per week!
If you are really serious and committed to quitting, we want to help. We therefore offer payment plans to qualified clients where the cost of quitting can actually be LESS THAN IT COSTS YOU TO CONTINUE TO SMOKE!! Just let us know that you are interested in this option when you call to book.
Book your appointment and become cigarette-free for life.
Naturally, the whole point is for your cravings to not only to disappear in an hour; but stay gone after that! So we are happy to offer you a unique lifetime guarantee*.
I want you to have NO risk, and so the guarantee* that we offer is for your lifetime!
If, in the unlikely event, you take up smoking at any time after your session, follow up coaching is absolutely free*
*Note we do not work with everyone. We only work with individuals who are absolutely ready to quit. If you are not ready, nothing will work for you long term. If you are ready, this can be the easiest thing in the world for you. Our guarantee is that if you take up smoking again at any time after your one hour session, follow up coaching is absolutely free.
Book your appointment and become cigarette-free for life.
Everyone knows cigarettes are bad for them. Everyone knows they spend a ridiculous amount of money on smoking.
So, why do people continue to smoke cigarettes? And even more importantly, why is it so hard for so many people to quit smoking?
72% of smokers want to quit. 42% have tried at least once in the last 12 months and failed.
Why is it so hard for them?
Because we are all different.
- Some people worry about putting on weight
- Some people are frightened of the 'withdrawal symptoms'
- Some people feel they just don't have enough will power
- Some people think smoking relieves stress
- Some people believe it is a powerful chemical addiction
Would you like to know the real secret? The biggest reason of all? - Smoking is not actually under your conscious control.
Think about how many cigarettes a day you think you enjoy - If you are like most, maybe 2-3. The rest, you just kind of just smoke unconsciously. The action of smoking the cigarettes is managed by your subconscious mind.
A good example is driving. When you first learned, it was very stressful and you had to consciously be very aware. But what happens now when you're driving? Off you go on your regular drive to work, it could be 30 or 40 minutes, and sometimes, you do not even remember how you did it. You could be, eating, chatting on your phone (only on hands-free of course!), singing, daydreaming or playing music.
You still speed up, slow down and stop at the right time, merge lanes and do everything perfectly. Your subconscious does it all for you!
Guess what! When you first started learning to smoke, you did it very consciously as well. But now, just like driving, it is something your unconscious mind does automatically.
This is why it is so hard to quit using will power! This habit is not under your conscious control. (Please do not feel bad about failing to quit using will power as only 3% of smokers manage to quit this way - it is incredibly difficult)
So unless you deal with your unique reasons, and you do it at a subconscious level, you will not have any luck in quitting cigarettes over the long term.
And this is exactly what we do at Breathe Hypnotherapy. We make it easy for you!
Book your appointment and become cigarette-free for life.
Of course nobody can force you to do something you don't want to do, but if you seriously want to quit, you could be free of the smoking habit in only 60 minutes.*
There is now a unique combination of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and hypnosis which can make it so easy for you to achieve your goal of being a non-smoker.
Book your appointment and become cigarette-free for life.
Why didn't your past efforts work?
- Did the withdrawal symptoms just seem too hard?
- Did you start packing on weight?
- Perhaps you just start smoking again for no real reason?
- Did you think you could get away with just one? And it just turned into more?
- Were you tricked into it after a couple of drinks?
- Or perhaps you just can't say why?
The magic of this system is that it considers all the reasons that are unique to you. Actually, it goes even further. This system considers and all the common reasons people fail. This is combined with your unique reasons and all of this is dealt with in your session, thereby preventing failure in the future.
As an example, we help find and create new habits during your session so you avoid potential weight gain that can be common using other methods of quitting smoking. And this is all done at a subconscious level so it just becomes easy for you to quit!
Book your appointment and become cigarette-free for life.
Perhaps you're curious about how we can offer our unique lifetime guarantee - it is simply because this system has such a high success rate. More than 95% (source) of clients quit cigarettes using this program.*
For the small percentage that do not, they succeed in quitting with free follow-up coaching covered by our lifetime guarantee.*
So that means if you really want to quit, you know we will work with you until you do.
*Note we do not work with everyone. We only work with individuals who are absolutely ready to quit. If you are not ready, nothing will work for you long term. If you are ready, this can be the easiest thing in the world for you. Our guarantee is that if you take up smoking again at any time after your one hour session, follow up coaching is absolutely free.
Book your appointment and become cigarette-free for life.
Simply click the button below to book your free strategy call.
When you decide this is right for you, we book your session and send you an online client information form to help us tailor the session for you.
This is what happens at your session. We:
- Discuss your habit and destroy myths about smoking
- Analyse your specific reasons for smoking and also the reasons you have had difficulty quitting
- Explain why the system works so well
- Commence your 'BQT' 60 minute session which includes Advanced Hypnotherapy and powerful NLP techniques such as re framing.
You leave your session feeling confident and back in control, knowing you are a non-smoker for the rest of your life*
Book your appointment now, and become cigarette-free for life.
Unlike other systems to quit smoking:
- You will not experience any pain or struggle
- There are no changes to your lifestyle
- There are no chemicals involved
- You don't take dangerous drugs
- You don't need irritating patches
- You don't have to tolerate the foul taste of sprays or gum
- No uncomfortable sessions being pricked with needles
Book your appointment now and become cigarette-free for life.
Are you wondering how this system works? A major reason for the stunning success of this system is its use of Advanced Hypnosis. Those outdated misconceptions about hypnosis have moved aside as clinical results have shown it to be a scientifically sound application* Today hypnosis is used in medicine, professional sports, law enforcement, dentistry and education. The other reason for the power of this system is that it works with your individual needs. It is tailored specifically to you and your smoking habit.
What is advanced hypnosis? There are two levels to our mind - the conscious and the subconscious. When we make decisions, rationalize, and analyze we are thinking with our conscious mind. The subconscious mind, on the other hand, is what we do when we are on 'auto-pilot'. This is the part that controls our habits.
When we use advanced hypnosis, it makes it possible to communicate directly with the subconscious mind and make changes at this level. This explains why it is so easy and effective in changing even life-long habits with advanced hypnosis.
Does this system work for everyone? Any mentally healthy person can be hypnotized. And since your session will be custom tailored to your individual needs, it works for almost everyone. The key is do you really want to quit? If the answer is yes, this system makes it easy for you.
How will I know if the session worked? Because we ask a series of questions at the end of the session and you will know you have quit cigarettes for good. Many people leave almost feeling like they have never smoked cigarettes. The thought just does not occur to them again.
How safe is this system? This system is based on NLP and advanced hypnosis. Both are completely safe. It is important to understand that you are in control at every moment and can terminate the session at any time. It is not possible to get stuck in hypnosis. It is not possible to make you do something against your will! Hypnosis is a relaxing, enjoyable and perfectly safe experience.
Book your appointment and become cigarette-free for life.
It does work. It's that simple. This is how we can offer a lifetime guarantee*. This system has consistently proven itself to be incredibly effective for over 10 years. If you relapse for any reason, follow-up coaching is free, and so you can rest comfortable in the knowledge that we will help you become and remain smoke-free for the rest of your life.
Book your appointment and become cigarette-free for life.
At 15 - 30 per day, you could spend up to $800.00 on smoking in the next 3-5 weeks.
It doesn't matter which quit smoking program you choose with us, you will be IN FRONT in terms of cost in less time than this!
When you quit, you're actually going to SAVE as much as $7,000 per year!
This is the best investment you'll ever make.
It's just like getting a $7,000 bonus every year and it goes up all the time.
And more importantly, how much would you pay to add healthy years to your life (Two out of every three smokers lose 10-15 years off their lives from smoking related illness)
It's actually too expensive NOT to quit cigarettes. You can't afford to CONTINUE SMOKING.
If you are on a very tight budget, we do want to help and so we also have options that any smoker can afford.
Everyone instinctively knows that you usually get what you pay for.
We did research on other methods and systems available, and we have discovered the three main reasons why some other Hypnotherapist charge as little as $150-$350 a session are these:
- Other Programs require 3-5 sessions, which means not only do you have to go back over and over gain, but you end up paying $700-$1200 anyway.
- They only have a 35-50% success rate. Which means that even though you have gone back multiple times AND spent all this money, you may have wasted your time, as there is a significant chance it's not going to work.
- Even if you're one of the lucky ones, the 35%-50% who respond well to the basic level hypnosis technique and you do manage to actually quit cigarettes, often the change is temporary with such basic techniques.
- That explains why they don't backup their work with a lifetime support guarantee. If you look across the board, our rates are very reasonable. Some programs charge as much as a thousand dollars for smoking cessation, and there are others charging as little as $50 (usually unqualified and inexperienced). As in any profession, you get what you pay for.
With us, you get the best advanced NLP, combined with worlds best practice hypnotic techniques. Importantly, we are the ONLY Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy practice to back up your session with a lifetime support guarantee.
We couldn't offer a lifetime guarantee if it didn't work. If we didn't have more than 95% (source) of people stopping in one session we would put ourselves out of business by offering a lifetime guarantee.
That's why we are one of the very few in the business offering a genuine lifetime support guarantee, because we are absolutely certain that the method is so good that over 95% (source) will stop smoking. If in the first 30 minutes we don't think it will work for you, we'll send you away with a full refund, because nothing is more important to us than your success.
The People We Turn Away: We only turn away people who don't really want to stop smoking for themselves. For example, people who have been pushed into it by their partners or children and who don't really want to be there.
This is because we can't make people do things that they don't really want to do, we can only make it easy to do something you want to do for yourself, or for your reasons.
And in your case, you do want to be a non-smoker don't you? And you do want to do it for your own reasons don't you? So let's get you in for an appointment.
When people are worried because they've tried hypnosis before and they think it can't work for them, its important to know that the question isn't 'whether hypnosis works' because it will always work if done correctly.
The real questions are 'How good was the hypnosis script?', 'How skilled was the hypnotherapist?', 'Was their program tested and proven for thousands around the world with more than a 95% success rate?'
Other Hypnotherapists use a very basic form of hypnotherapy, which only usually gets a 35-50% success rate.
The way that we get over a 95% (source) success rate is that we use a unique combination of advanced NLP techniques and world best practice hypnotherapy.
And this success rate is why we are the only hypnotherapy practice that is prepared to support you with a lifetime guarantee.
So ready to book an appointment?
When comparing with other hypnotherapists, if they make claims of high success rates, make sure you ask them one important question:
"Do they back up their session with a lifetime guarantee?"
The reason why they won't is because they know they could go out of business because of their low success rates.
Their hypnosis is usually very basic and only produces a 35-50% success rate.
At Breathe Hypnotherapy, we use a very advanced form of NLP and world best practice hypnotherapy which produces over a 95% (source) success rate helping people to quit smoking.
We are proud of our unblemished success record because most of our clients come from word of mouth. If we are not absolutely convinced that you will succeed, we won't take your money. We have a free phone assessment to ascertain if you are ready. Then if we do accept you as a client, we do a free face-to-face session lasting around 30 minutes during which time we will know for sure that it will work for you. Then, only 60 minutes later, you will know you are smoke-free for life.
The difference with us is that, once we accept you as a client, you can rest assured that you will be a non-smoker for life. We are there for you, and you are covered by our lifetime guarantee.
So why not go ahead and make an appointment for you and help you become a non-smoker
*Note we do not work with everyone. We only work with individuals who are absolutely ready to quit. If you are not ready, nothing will work for you long term. If you are ready, this can be the easiest thing in the world for you. Our BQT Diamond Plan guarantee is that if you take up smoking again at any time after your one hour session, follow up coaching is absolutely free.
The fact is that any normal average person can be hypnotised. That is providing they have no serious mental health problems or disorders. Therefore, most people can achieve very successful results with hypnosis.
If you have had a bad experience with hypnotherapy before, it is probably because the hypnotherapist was not highly skilled.
Many people can't tell much difference between the hypnotised state and the waking state. It is just a very relaxed state similar to that when you are lying in bed and just about to drift off to sleep. If you have ever watched a movie and totally lost track of time, that is a very similar feeling. Some people feel very relaxed and a pleasant heaviness in the body, others feel a sort of lightness. You do hear and remember everything that is said during your session. The thing that people absolutely notice is wonderful changes in their daily behaviors that just seem to happen without any effort.
Our minds are amazing and the mind actually works on two levels-the conscious and the subconscious.
We make decisions, think, analyse and rationalise with our conscious mind.
The subconscious mind is what is in-charge when we are running on 'auto-pilot' and this is where our habits live.
With the extraordinary power of NLP and hypnosis we can communicate directly with the subconscious mind.
This explains why lifelong habits can be changed quickly and easily while you are in a very enjoyable, relaxed state.
Nicotine replacement therapies such as gum, patches, sprays, etc. have been proven by independent scientific studies to produce a success rate of ONLY 10% to 20%. So, not only is it rare for someone to stop smoking using these methods, but there are also lots of negative side effects, including: nausea, indigestion, itching and nightmares. Sometimes the side effects can be much more serious. So there is low chance of it working and a high chance of discomfort or even physical harm.
Our program is 100% safe, and it WORKS…this is how we can offer a lifetime guarantee.
If you do your research, you'll find health studies (including the National Health Services) have shown that Quit Smoking Drugs have very low success rates unless combined with other psychological intervention-like cognitive behavior therapy.
There have been reported deaths from these drugs, and manufacturers who produce it, have admitted that 1 in 1,000 will suffer convulsions that could even lead to death. So these drugs are ineffective in helping people quit smoking and they are actually dangerous.
Our system is 100% safe, and it WORKS…which is how we can offer a lifetime guarantee.
With most practitioners, group hypnosis has a lower success rate.
The reason is because the script they use is generic and covers a very basic form of suggestion-only hypnosis.
Having said that, group hypnosis, when done properly, is three times more effective than drugs and all of the nicotine replacement therapies.
Breathe Hypnotherapy now has a powerful script that works extremely well with Group Hypnotherapy. Of course it is not quite as effective as our one-on-one sessions and so we unfortunately we can not offer a lifetime guarantee for the group sessions.
When you see us for a one on one session, it is tailor-made for your own individual needs. This is another reason that it is so powerful and why we can offer our life-time guarantee*
We are part of a network of specialists using a unique advanced NLP and world best practice hypnotherapy.
This System has been used for over 10 years to help thousands of clients to become healthy, happy and permanent non-smokers. We have helped 2,171+ smokers quit for good over the last 10 years.
Our practitioners have decades of experience and all meet international requirements for certification in Hypnotherapy and NLP.
All are certified specialists in the most effective program available today to help people quit smoking - the 'Breathe Quit-smoking Technique' - (BQT) which has proven* to be effective with an astonishing success rate of more than 95% (source).
Our 120+ five star reviews attest to how effective our specialists are in helping smokers quit in just one session!
The thing that makes us truly unique, is that we are the only hypnotherapy practices that back up our work by offering an unconditional lifetime support guarantee.
We are able to do this because we use a powerful new way of combining advanced Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) with world best practice hypnosis techniques and this takes the success rates to an unprecedented level. With this system, more than 95% (source) of people quit smoking in just one session*
This system has proven itself for more than 10 years, and that's why we can offer you a lifetime support guarantee*
A major reason for the stunning success of this system is its use of Advanced Hypnosis.
Those outdated misconceptions about hypnosis have moved aside as clinical results have shown it to be a scientifically sound application*
Today hypnosis is used in medicine, professional sports, law enforcement, dentistry and education.
The other reason for the power of our Breathe Quit Technique is that it works with your individual needs. It is one 60 minute session that is tailored specifically to you and your smoking habit.
We ask a series of questions at the end of the session and you will know by how you feel when you respond that you have quit cigarettes forever.
And because you will know you have quit cigarettes you will feel great and over the next few days you will be surprised by how easy it is to quit this way.
For about one third of people who do this, it is almost like they have never smoked. For the rest there are either no thoughts at all of smoking or only minor fleeting thoughts that disappear as quickly as they came.
At Breathe we have been incredibly successful with online sessions for over 5 years to clients from all over the world. In the past 12 months, nearly all of our sessions have been online over zoom. And the truly amazing thing is that online may even be MORE EFFECTIVE than face to face in-person sessions! (The success rate for Zoom was 97% for the last financial year)
I was wondering why that would be, and then of course realized that it takes a little bit of time for someone to relax when they are in a clinic or any new environment and meeting someone for the first time.
In the comfort of your own home you immediately feel safe, secure and ready to relax. You don't have to fight traffic or stress over finding the location, or struggle to find a park. It makes sense that you begin your session in a much better frame of mind and so of course it is going to have the same or better success. This is why we offer the same Lifetime Guarantee for our zoom sessions.
Most of our clients prefer zoom sessions because there is no traffic, travelling, parking, or having to find a new address. Because you see us from the comfort of your own home or office, people are generally more relaxed and drop into an even deeper state of hypnosis. Our success rate over Zoom was actually higher than our average success rate of 95.6% - the success rate for Zoom was 97% for the last financial year.
Having said that we do still have availability at clinics all around the world as shown below:-
Victoria : Melbourne and Mornington Peninsula
Western Australia: Perth and Bunbury
New South Wales: Sydney and Bathurst
United Kingdom
London and Hull

Thanks Michael, for helping me see the benefits of meditation! Life changing.

Thanks Michael

Michael is positive, easy to listen to, easy to follow. Experienced and confident, the 60 minutes with him was the single most easiest thing I've done...
Worth the time, worth the money. Took me back 20 years without breaking a sweat. Thank you for helping me get my life back. Infinity and beyond!
Quitting smoking can be one of the toughest things you ever do. The cravings, the gum, the patches, going cold turkey … it can all be incredibly painful and frustrating to use. But there is a much better and easier way. Over the last 10 years, we have helped 2177+ people in Melbourne and around the World silence their cravings and quit smoking for good.
Whether you’re a ‘social smoker’ or a ‘’pack-a-day chain smoker’, I can help you quit smoking overnight using my proven Breathe Quit-Smoking Technique (BQT). All it takes is one 60-minute hypnosis session. Not months of patches, or going cold turkey, trying to fight your cravings with willpower alone. Break the cycle at last and finally quit today for good by removing the triggers that make you want a smoke.
Claim your free strategy session now, and we will also provide you with a free, no-obligation roadmap to help you contain your cravings even if you do not want to go ahead with us (VALUE $197) for FREE!
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* Results vary from person to person and, of course, we cannot guarantee that every single person we see will quit smoking. Individual results may vary. We do conduct a free discovery interview to make sure you are ready to quit and to confirm that you are a good candidate. We only work with those who are genuine about quitting smoking. Our guarantee is that, in the unlikely event that someone does not quit in their 60-minute session, we will work with them until they do quit for FREE. If for any reason we agree that we can not help them quit smoking, then we will refund their money. Smoking Cessation has a clinical success rate of 90.6% as shown in from University of Washington School of Medicine, Depts. of Anesthesiology and Rehabilitation Medicine, Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2001 Jul;49(3):257-66. Barber and and